Learning Korean has gain a lot of popularity among the years,scientifically speaking it is a language that has a very simple structure and it is a great help that this is this way becacuse it makes easier for foreigners to learn haow to write and speak with great ease, Hangul alphabet it's fonetic, wich means that the consonants and vowels are directly related with the articulation to pronounce them.
For the people who speaks romance languages or that has latin as a common root, have a bit easier the learning of korean language, the first element we can recall is the writting , comparing the chinese or japanese that has a couple of different syllabary alphabets , the corean alphabet it’s only one, it’s compound of consonants and vowels, this it's really similar to the latin or romance alphabets.

Image taken from: https://www.laprensagrafica.com/cultura/Hangeul-el-alfabeto-coreano-que-enamora-al-mundo-20201009-0047.html
The second aspect we can check is how we can conjugate verbs, it does not matter the person who you are refering when we conjugate the verb, this means even if you refer to youself, to a man or a women it mantains the same the way how it’s express the action, so we can say it’s a simplier way to describe things in the korean language; it should be noted that it is pretty rare to use pronouns , even if they exist , are not common used.
The third thing we should remark it’s that it exist many anglicism , so even if they’re wrote in korean they sound as and english Word .
Finally some advice we can sare at the momento of learning korean are the following:
• As any otheher language you may know, it needs practice, and a bit of memory at the first months but try to practice every day what you've learned
• Secondly try lo listen music, watch series or movies and try to learn new vocabulary and enhance the pronunciation, hearing the lauguage makes easier to memorize words and learn in a funny and easier way.
• Thirdly we suggest learn a bit of the korean culture , it will make easier to learn how to use the correct expressions or honorifics according to the culture and situation.
All of this is based on my experience learning other languages, i'm new learning korean but this method has worked really good for me learning english and basic japanese.
Hope everyone liked the article and feel a bit more motivated to learn this beautiful language :D
Beautiful! Korean language is beautiful and nice. Although a little difficult to learn but it's fun to learn. Your layout also looks beautiful. If you use more beautiful photos in the blog that might look it more better :))
I am going to try this method you have mentioned as I am a beginner, will look forward to read more of your stuff.
Laura, this is so cool. and that's actually true, music is a magic tool to learn languages. and 100% agree that Korean is one of the beautiful language, no debate lol.
thank you for sharing!