Hey everybody,
This time I will introduce you to The Bucheon Botanical Garden. As you know it is winter now, so indoor activities are becoming quite popular.
1. Always use your mask and keep your hand sanitizer with you.
2. Visit on a Sunday to avoid the crowds. As a result, my partner and I could leisurely explore the museum, the exhibition center and the park itself.
666, Gilju-ro, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do (666 길주로, 부천시 경기도)

Entrance fee:
3500 won per adult
This Garden is located at 10 min by walk from the station kkachiul in the
Line 7 (까치울역 7호선)
Hola todos, esta vez les presentaré el Jardín Botánico de Bucheon. Como ya saben aquí en corea estamos en invierno, por lo que actividades indoor es una buena opción.
1. Use siempre su mascarilla y lleve consigo su desinfectante de manos.
2.Visita este lugar el domingo para evitar aglomeraciones.
Tuve suerte, estuve allí el domingo por la mañana y no había tanta gente, así que mi compañia y yo disfrutamos de la vista y exploramos lentamente el lugar, el museo, el centro de exposiciones y el parque en sí.
Este jardín está a 10 min caminando de la estación Kkchiul - linea7.

<Main level (Long stem plants)>
Immediately you enter to the building, it is possible see this garden with long stem plants, of course each one has their own name (But, I just enjoy the green around me and the pure oxygen that I can breathe)
Inmediatamente entras al edificio, es posible ver este jardín con plantas de tallo alto, por supuesto que cada una tiene su propio nombre (Pero, yo solo disfruto del verde a mi alrededor y del puro oxígeno que puedo respirar)

Diversity of plants and flowers (you must see it by yourself)~~

This place also hasa second level, where you can find more details

<Some wooden decorations>
Bucheon Ecology Park (부천자연생태공원)
Next, we went around the park (부천자연생태공원) and observed the Exhibition Center (부천자연생태공원 농경유물전시관) . Because it is winter now and many trees have no leaves, the appearance could look a little sad but also it can symbolize hope for us, to see them bloom in spring. The Exhibition Center is basically a representation of a traditional house in the past, how rooms where distributed and some traditional tools used in agriculture are also showed there.
A continuación, recorrimos el parque (Parque Ecológico Natural de Bucheon) y observamos el Centro de Exposiciones. Debido a que ahora es invierno y muchos árboles no tienen hojas, la apariencia puede parecer un poco triste pero también puede simbolizar la esperanza para nosotros, verlos florecer en primavera. El Centro de Exposiciones es básicamente una representación de una casa tradicional del pasado, cómo allí se distribuían las habitaciones y también se muestran algunas herramientas tradicionales utilizadas en la agricultura.

Park entrance, in the middle is the Exhibition center (representation of a traditional house)

<Exhibition center: Some tools used in the past for cook>

<Freezing Pond>
This is a pond in the middle of the park, all the surface is freezing, and in the distance, you can see our friend (bird) can walking across the frozen pond as the temperature was -1°C. There are also wooden frames like in the picture, from where you can get a nice picture with nature in the background.
Esta es una fuente en el medio del parque, toda la superficie estaba helada, tanto asi que la ave de la foto pudo caminar allí. Temperatura -1 ° C. También hay umbrales de madera como en la imagen, desde donde se puede obtener una bonita imagen teniendo como fondo, la naturaleza.

<Can you imagine this site in spring, will be really worth it go back again in few months>
Nature Ecology Museum (자연생태박물관)

We enter to this building and as engineer who worked in the past in hydraulic and hydrologic projects, I found absolutely interesting this map where is shown the main water basin in South Korea.
<South Korea watersheds Map>
Inside there is a exhibitions insects, butterflies, fishes and others type of living form. I appreciate the part where visitorscan interact with insects and turtles (I think it is specially to address the child curiosity). Just play a little with turtles
En su interior se exhiben insectos, mariposas, peces y otros tipos de species.
Aprecio el concepto donde los visitantes pueden interactuar con insectos y tortugas (creo que es especialmente para abordar la curiosidad del niño).

<Play with me, Mrs turtle …. He just ignored me :/ >

<Variety of fishes>

< Exhibition of Butterflies>

<세계의 나비 Butterflies from the world: JUST from PERU>
More information on the Web site: ecopark.bucheon.go.kr
Whoa......so beautiful place...😍