Have you ever thought about how Chuseok was celebrated 50 years ago? What about changes that brought years of social evolution and especially new circumstances such as covid19? Today we would like to share some interesting information from the survey results straight away from 30 Korean families.
Searching "Chuseok Holiday" on the Internet with a high probability will show you pictures of traditional clothes- hanbok. However, these days not every Korean wears a hanbok or even has it in their wardrobe since it can get very pricey. What has also changed is the place of celebration. Even though the majority of people still visit their parents and grandparents during Chuseok, 6 people who took the survey said that they stay alone or with their own family if they are married. Typical Chuseok is also replaced by traveling abroad since it is more interesting for younger generations.

According to the survey results, 24 out of 30 families prepare food for Chuseok themselves, which shows adherence to family unity and traditions. “Must have” food for Chuseok became jeon, songpyeon, tangguk.

Moving onto activities during this holiday we picked out “family gathering” as the most important and common answer. 30% of surveyed Koreans answered that memorial service for ancestors is also an annual “must do” activity during Chuseok. However, due to a busy lifestyle in Korea for almost 40%, holiday time is the opportunity to have some rest so answers “watching movies” and “sleeping” were also in majority.

Last but not least, we have gathered the answer to a vital question on the “Influence of Chuseok holiday on keeping Korean traditions”.As it is shown on the graph, around 34% of surveyed families hold the view that Chuseok is very important in preserving not only family traditions but also Korean traditions and history as well.
Thank you for reading this article! We will update you more with Korean insider information and tell you about Korean daily life.
different concept. Seems like a real reporter....😊