During this hard time we have no one but each other, Let's stand till the end !
We are all living that phase of history infected by what must not be named! After some times we will have a lot of stories to tell for the future generation. Stories of sad and stressful moments, yet the hopeful ones that kept our spirits alive for a brighter future. I would be telling my children that the world was separated into two parts; a vast world around Gwangju and a small part of the world within Gwangju. These two separated parts of the world were worried about each other. They could not see each other in person but could video call every night to gain energy for the next day.

Spring will come again and again!
GKS students come from all over the world and we all have beloved ones who hide their worried hearts when they talk to us on the phone. Even if the Corona virus situation is not that well in your country, your parents try to make you calm by a smiling face, saying “Everything is fine here”.
We as one world in Gwangju wish for a better tomorrow and we are not afraid, because in the worst moments we still have each other. This era will pass by soon and only sweet memories will remain. Gwangju as a mother embraced us warmly by her generous hands which I’m so thankful. All our Korean friends check on our health everyday and ask if we need something. During this time that purchasing masks is a difficult matter they gave us masks and anything needed in this situation. If you need help don’t hesitate to reach out your hand, we are all here to take your hands warmly as one world.

Thanks to GIC (Gwangju International Center) and my friend I got masks for free!

Thanks to my dear Teacher David I got snacks and masks and hand sanitizer!
와~ 잘 만드렸어용
Nice write up
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