Hi, my name is Jenniela Abang Ella but since it is a bit long, you can call me Jenny. I'm 22 years old in international age and 23 in Korean age. I am from a French speaking country in Central Africa called Gabon, it is about 12 000 km away from Korea, and the capital city is Libreville which means Freetown in English. Even though it is a small country, Gabon is bigger than South Korea, but the population is lower, this is the reason why when Gabonese come here for the first time, they have the feeling that our country is smaller, and to be honest, I did feel the same. I came in Korea during the winter 2016, I was 18 back then. I was so young and I did not know that much about the country so yeah, it was an adventure. I went to language school for 1 year at Paichai University (배재대) in Daejon, and in 2017, I got admitted to Ewha Womans University in the department of Communication and Media. But let me tell you how I got to choose to study in Korea although I didn't know anything about this beautiful country.
I had just finished high school and I was wondering what to do next, of course I had in mind to become reporter but, I did not know exactly how to do it. In Gabon, we do not have a school for journalism, not even in our national university so, I had to think of other ways to fulfill that dream. However, it was already too late to try to look abroad, therefore, I decided to enrolled in the national university in the English department and see what to do later. Actually, at that time, I had in mind to improve my English and also to look for some schools in the US. Fortunately, it did not take long before my older sister finds out that South Korea was offering opportunities to students to study there. At first, I was a bit skeptical, I did not know a thing about the country. I did have friends who were fans of Kpop and Kdrama, but since I was not into it, I did not try to know that much about it. The only thing I knew about the country was what I had learned during history class, about the Korean war and, also through Psy with his song gangnam style. Besides this, I was completely ignorant of the Korean culture. But I still decided to try and, one thing you need to know about me is that I never try something on a whim, which means, if I'm not 100% sure, I will never try it. But this time, encouraged by my mother and my older sister, I decided to take the chance and I applied for the scholarship to come here. And after stressful interviews, I had been selected and I was so happy but, I did not know that it was just the beginning of the adventure of my life into the unkown.
I have many things I am passionate about and they are all related to art.
1. Dance
Dance has always been a part of my life, in my culure everyone should learn how to dance, it is like a tradition. Through dance, you can express many things, passion, love or happiness. I used to only practice our traditional dances but, when I came in Korea, I started to learn Korean pop dances by myself. And here is just an example of what I could learn so far.
2. Singing
Although I'm not that good of a singer, I like singing and especially in other languages. And I also had opportunities to sing on stage^^
3. Nature Photography

Being in nature and capture its beauty is something I like because it helps me relax. Also, nature will never complain about how I took the photo.
4. Drawing
Actually, drawing is more than just a hobby, it is something I mostly do when I need to focus or when I want to relax. I am always drawing something and this is why I always carry a sketchbook with me.