Get off your couch, leave your friends, social media platforms and just go!
What a wonderful experience this was! I stood on the edge of this world.. close to other universes and uncharted territories. It felt as if I took one more step I could have seen angels. I am not a poet but look at how this made me write. I'll leave the next picture to speak.

* not edited, seen as it was taken.
A thousand artist wouldn't have painted a better art.
Muuido island it is. Just off the shores of Incheon. Wherever you are in Seoul just go to the nearest subway station and go to the airport line(sku blue colored line). IT will cost your around 2800 Korean Wonn. Once you reach the airport take the bus from the airport #3rd floor headed to Muuido ( don't get out of the airport, you can ask the information desk a person who speaks English is always avialable) . I always get off just before the bridge to Muuido at a beach called Masian and continue on foot.
Now you have arrived so check the next vid!
* I was standing in the middle of the sea! Almost 300 meter away from the beach! the low tides were amazing
Yes! If your lucky enough and the tide is low you can practice crab hunting. So many people are enjoying their time in a beautiful scenery. Families togethers, young children's, groups of elders and teenager's all chasing the thrill of catching crabs in their natural habitat.
*Even seagulls are sharing the fun.
Make sure you wear suitable clothes and a fast drying pair of shoes and don't be afraid to get your hands in the mud and I ensure you one of the best experiences you will have in Korea!
Once you've had your share of crabs set your foot to continue to Muuido. Take a glance from the bridge over looking both Incheon, Muuido and the small jimindo Island. A place destined for beautiful photos. You often see couples gazing at the sun from a distance.

*Not edited as seen from the bridge connecting Incehon to Muuido.
Just on the opposite side of Maison beach there a lot of restaurants offering local foo delicacies for the one day trip goers. All you can eat of sea foods and even those which you have never seen before!

This is and experience you will never forget.
Leave everything behind. Do not think about anything and detach from this world. Practice what our ancestor did for living, hunting food in this mesmerizing scene.
This is not all the beautiful Muuido has to offer, but that will come in the next post. Until then, go and experience this moment where you will feel light as feathers.
Ahmed Elhakim,
An Egyptian enjoying Korea,
from me to you the kindest regards.
Lived a year in Songdo but didn't knew there's such a lovely place around in Incheon! Thank you for the great recommendation!
Nice writing
such a perfect place to visit thanks for information