We all know what “Hangeul” day is and why it is famous. Hangeul Day (한글날) is a day to celebrate the Korean alphabet, known as “Hangeul”). Hangeul is the only alphabet, which has made scientifically, and Koreans are proud of their language. The kind Sejong is the person who made this beautiful writing form. After coming to Korea, I heard about King Sejong a lot. Always wondering that how was his sons and daughter. Were they scholar like their father? So, I searched about them and find about the son of King Sejong, King Sejo. He was a good king like his father. His tomb is near Seoul, in Gyeonggo-do, which has recognized as an UNESCO heritage site in 2010. Let’s explore the KING SEJO’s tale in this HANGEUL DAY with me.
We all know what “Hangeul” day is and why it is famous. Hangeul Day (한글날) is a day to celebrate the Korean alphabet, known as “Hangeul”). Hangeul is the only alphabet, which has made in a scientific way and Koreans are proud of their language. The kind Sejong is the person who made this beautiful writing form. After coming to Korea, I heard about King Sejong a lot. Always wondering that how was his sons and daughter. Were they scholar like their father? So, I searched about them and find that the son of King Sejong, King Sejo. He was a good king like his father. His tomb is near Seoul, in Gyeonggo-do, which has recognized as an UNESCO heritage site. Let’s explore the KING SEJO’s tale in this HANGEUL DAY with me.

Welcome everyone.......환영합니다.......😍

Who is King Sejo? How he became the king? King Sejo is a controversial monarch, who ruled the Joseon Dynasty during the mid-15th century. He was not the first child of King Sejong. So, he was not destined for the throne. But his brother, King Munjong died early and he snatched the throne from his nephew. He had a great ability at archery, horse riding, martial arts and military commanding. There is a proverb that "all is well that ends well". This proverb is perfect for this King. Though his rising to the throne was blood-shaded, but his contribution to the Joseon dynasty can't be overlooked. He proved himself as the true successor of the great King Sejong. He had strengthen the royal authority and national defense system. Because of his meticulousness, tax revenue was improved and the price stability was gained. He shined like a sun throughout his reign. His tomb was built simply and humbly surrounded by the Gwangneung Forest. Though the structure of this tomb is simple, but it will catch your heart because of the mind-blowing scenery. You can see the tomb of his wife Queen Jeonghui also.

The entrance of the tomb......so simple and glorifying.

What is a great scenery...😍. Believe me, it was peaceful and soothing to soul.

Actually it is a guard house. In all the tomb in Korea, you can see this place.

This beautiful house is for the housekeepers of the tomb....😜 Ha ha ha. I was so surprised. The architecture has followed by typical hanok model.

That blue sky was enough to make me happy.......😍

I could feel the autumn vibe..........nature is the best healer.

Seriously, I did not want to leave the place...😪

For those who want to go this beautiful tomb:
Address: 354 Gwangneungsumogwon-ro, Jinjeop-eup, Namyangju-si, Gyeonggi-do.
You can visit national arboretum (국립수목원), which is beside this tomb. A perfect combo for a day trip.
Yeah, don't forget to eat mak-guksu (막국수) and memil Jeon (메밀전).

That's all for today. Our regular content will be upload on Wednesday. Stay tuned......😀
Great article, Anni! I just posted it to the website.