A life time change experience

Hello everyone! my name is Cecy, just a 20 generation regular girl. I came from a little country in South America called Bolivia. If you did not hear about it before, here is a picture to show you its most beautiful place. It is a salt desert: "Uyuni" the place where the sky touches the ground.
Every time somebody or even myself ask how I came to Korea or what inspired me to come here above all the countries in the world... the answer still remains the same 'I still do not know why I decided Korea' but I am so grateful I did it. I am a formal engineer who graduated from my country, but at some point in my life, I realized I needed to experience more, know more countries, and open my mind. I started looking for opportunities and knowing nothing about it, I decided to come to Korea. I still remember when I had my 4-scale 2-days flight-tickets and I started to imagine how different Korea could be from my country, starting to look for some information, and first looking at 한글... the only thought was, 'what the hell I got myself into...'.

I first arrived in Busan, my hometown in Korea. I deeply and completely fell in love with everything the first moment I saw the city. Little by little I learned about Korea, its culture, its language, its food, its charm... I had the opportunities to see the sea for the first time, visit Jeju Island, visit Dokdo...and so many other things. I am so thankful for this country and because it allows people like me, like us to enjoy its magic.

It has been two years full of experiences and learning, I got to know people who are like my family here, and not for one second I regret, probably the most important decision in my life. If you reached this far, thank you! and I hope we can become good friends =)