source: instagram.com/netlfixkr
This Netflix series remains me to Socrates's quote, human is not citizen of just hometown or nation, but of the world. Every spaces are open for every human being, equal.
Meanwhile, everyone has their own way to express of being global citizen. It does not mean that we have to studying or living abroad. Learning and growing within the "global" value is actually worth enough. One of the best and fun to explore the world is watching the films or shows representing their cultures or histories. Therefore, I want to share my experience watching a Netflix sitcom called So Not Worth It, released during pandemic on June 2021.

source: instagram.com/netlfixkr
Personally, So Not Worth It shows me something new (lesson). I hope you can enjoy the series and learn something as well. Here's the clue:
1. Develop self-character during living abroad.
Some of us may be obsessed to be the number one at school, but there are also some of us being less-ambitious. Starring global artists, such as; Park Sewan, Shin Hyeon Seung, Choi Youngjae, Minnie G-IDLE, Han Hyunmin, Joakim Sorensen, Carson Allen and Terris Brown. In the series you will see various characters to represent international students.

source: instagram.com/netlfixkr
2. Experiencing life in South Korea. Struggling to be comfortable with Korean culture, as well as exploring new experiences to enjoy the moment. One of the highlight of the story is how to balance between school and part-time. In some countries, doing part-time job to support student life is relevant and common. As an international student, we also need to adapt the social communication, circumstances and social manners.

source: instagram.com/netlfixkr
3. Motivation and Inspirational Scenes.
So Not Worth It is produced to give the new hope for every student struggling, to just forget about tomorrow, to live and enjoy today. So they will not regret in the future. The diversity and world class vibe in the sitcom also give us a new perspective that everyone represent their self-culture, and it must be well l-appreciated by other.

source: instagram.com/carsonallen
Last but not least, in case you have not watched it yet, I genuinely suggest you to watch this sitcom. will entertain your day of happiness, humourous and insightfulness. Happy watching!
Will definitely watch it now, Its beautifully written.