Spring is one of the favorite seasons in South Korea. Due to its incredible change in nature, unparalleled and attractive to Koreans and foreigners who tend to frequently visit a lot in this season of the year.
This is one of the seasons when the cherry blossoms begin to bloom, painting the country a beautiful spring pink color. For this reason, many couples, families, and others tend to perform activities such as picnics, cycling, and hiking, surrounding themselves with the natural beauty that this season offers.
Plus it is a perfect time in which many traditional agricultural activities emerge successfully as is
the particular planting of rice and tea.
If you ever want to visit South Korea, you will love this time of the year. So I will give you a list of the most popular places to visit in spring:
*여의도 봄꽃축제-Yeouido Spring Flower Festival

*남산공원-Namsan Park

*일산호수공원-Ilsan Lake Park