It's very common when you have a students life or when your working on your job, in your personal life too, and in any other aspects of life to always do your best and try to accomplish all your goals, do your maximun effort in any activity you do and be the best version of yourself, but sometimes we extenuate ourselfs of working so hard for a long time, and we start feeling really bad, some people call it like a burnout , other like a extreme level of stress and fatigue physically, mentally and emotionally talking.
Some signals of been physically tired is feeling always depleted, having more apetite of less apetite that normal, having migraines and muscular aches , digestive problems and in some cases for women menstrual cycle irregularities. Mentally talking , when you start feeling all the time anxiousness, or been angry or sad, fatigue that does not go away even if you sleep, sleeping more than normal or even haven insomnia, can't even concentrate on a task and can't retain information for long periods of time.Low productivity and demotivation that generates frustation and impotence.
This are some common signals our own body sends to us , to tell us we need a rest and a break of everything that overwhelm us at some point that our helth have issues, and in consequence our body and selfs.

Some solutions of this extreme fatigue is to reduce the stress levels, try to learn some positive habits to ensure your resilience and have a emotional inteligence to overcome difficult times, remeber the things you enjoyed in your free times, spend quality time with family and friends, go for a walk in the nature, breath fresh air and work on yourself to make amends with the tiredness and know that even work, studies or personal problems are important to solve, we have to dedicate time to ourselfs , to rest , relax anad chill, to enjoy life and do the things that makes you happy and that lets you have inner peace; Even if we have problems we need to keep a balance and take care of us, if we do not look for our health and happines who will?
Just keep in mind that feeling tired and exhausted it's okay, and do not feel guilty of having to take a break of all the things you have to deal in your everyday life, work on yourself and you will feel a lot better when you return to your activities :).
this is awesome, just yesterday I was super tired of life because of unstable emotion and now I'm reading this article. what a destiny! thank your for sharing your thoughts Laura ๐
This blog is a much needed reminder๐
This blog is everything a student need. ๐