Travel with us! 경기도 남양주시 천마산
We are ready with the new summer trip for you!
This time we are going to Namyangju City, see beautiful Cheonmasan.
새로운 여름 여행 준비가되었습니다!
이번에는 남양주시에 있는 아름다운 천마산을 볼 수 있습니다.
Foreign students 외국인 유학생
-every week travelling around Korea
-team activities: missions and challenges
-advertising Korea via SNS
-maintaining friendship between foreign students
-understanding Korean history and culture
-exploring and promoting hidden travel routes
Join us
-7 August 2020, 9:30am
-Pyeongnae-Hopyeong Station Exit 1
-Participation fee 10 000 won
Contact us
check your calendars and apply here
09:30 평내호평역 - 10:00 천마산 입구 - 11:15 천마산 정상 - 12:30 한우불고기 - 14:00 아이파크 공원 - 16:00 서울로 출발