When a guy from country with the Highest mountains and normal residence buildings in the world sees high rises , Lotte tower and low mountains , what does he feel? Yes, I am going to tell you all the opposite things that are between my country, Nepal and Republic of Korea. Many people from South Asia can relate my stories . Some of them are really hilarious .
1. Left side and Right Side traffic.
As clear in given map , Traffic system in Nepal (South Asia ) is left handed which is opposite of Korea that drives on right .

After arrival in Korea, I really had difficulty in travelling . I often waited the bus at the wrong bus station , opposite bus stand . Moreover , I would ride the bus and had to ride down at the next stop after confirming I was going opposite direction . Once I was in Seoul and were planning to go to Namsan Tower, I along with my friend rode the bus that was going in Opposite direction up to last station . We just sat on same bus and it took us to Namsan tower. So I relied with my Philippine friends while travelling as if I am a child whenever I had to ride bus , taxi for first few months. I always got scolded literally by friends due to my mistakes while travelling . ( You know friends things ) .
The most dangerous experience I had is riding Bicycle . I rode bicycle on left side and suddenly on the turn in mountain there was a car on same side. Then I realized I am in Right side driving Country . Thank god I could save myself. I really suggest people from left side driving country to be cautious .
2. High Rises and Mountains

We don't have high rises or skyscrapers like Lotte tower or high rise apartments though few (really not popular) in my country. I have never seen ( except on TV or Internet) skyscraper,was able to experience such views .They were completely new for me and I was mesmerized with these engineering marvels. High rise buildings everywhere really amazed me .However travelling between cities , I found Korea to be mountainous as Nepal with major differences. Nepal has higher ,even more higher mountains .Even mountains above 2500 meter high surrounds my city . And we can see snow capped mountains higher than 6000 meter from my city.
3. Sea Experience
Nepal is land locked country . So I never had experience of Sea before .
I wanted to experience the sea myself. My first clear view of sea was from plane while landing in Incheon. After four months of living in University Hostel, I along with other two friends who also never had experience of Sea decided for a tour .
We went to the nearest sea beach , Deacheon from my university through train. I was really excited to see sea. The first thing I did when I step on the sea water was confirming the salty sea water. hahahaha. Really I took few drops of water and put inside my mouth . The sea was not as blue as I expected and i knew the sea name is Yellow sea. We played water for two hours . Then it was time for sea food. I never had squid ,octopuses and crabs. I tried each of them for the first time in my life. What an experience.

Writer In Yellow Sea
4. Train Experience

There is no train in my country except for one that connects only one city to Indian city. And there is no train system in whole Nepal. After coming to Korea , I wanted to ride Train .I was really new to train system . Guess what , I requested my friends from Philippines for train ride . We went from Asan station to Seoul on Metro train. The ticketing system was new experience for me. The hassle in Metro stations in Seoul , the transfer lines , number of commuters . Uff they were really interesting for me. I really found the trains more convenient than the Bus .
5. Food
In Nepal, we almost eat everything by Hand except for few things and eating out .
After coming to Korea , I had difficulty in using Chopsticks. It was so hard and moreover in many places , they would not provide fork and I could not eat using Hand. I used to watch youtube videos learning using chopsticks. However , I have learnt it . Yeah , I think I have graduated in using Chopsticks ( But not with flying colors).
Other major difference between Nepal and Korea is consumption of Meat and vegetables. Nepalese food are mainly compromised of Rice products, wheat products , Vegetables , Beans and Pulses . Meat consumption is really low in comparison to Korea . Its really hard for vegetarian in Korea as well as for Muslims and Hindus. Since 80% of Nepalese are Hindu, Beef is banned in Nepal and only some ethnic Nepalese groups consume Pork . I am myself from one of ethnic groups which does not allow both pork and beef, I find it really hard here .( In Nepal Buffalo , goat, Chicken are main meat source.) Moreover the cost of Vegetables are 5 -10 times expensive than my country .
Regarding fruits , Since Nepal has all suitable climate like tundra , subtropical , tropical , we would consume apples( which required cold climate ) , oranges (which requires warm climate ) and Mango (which requires hot climate ) in affordable prices ,whereas guess what , its really expensive as well in Korea .
6. Mandu and Momo ( Dumplings )
This is the most notable difference since Momo is Nepali dumplings and Mandu is Korean .

Nepali Momo

Korean Mandu
Mandu here are 3-5 times larger than Nepalese momo.However Nepalses consume momo with soup where as soup is not provided along with Mandu, instead we get soy sauce. Buffalo meat Momo are the most popular in my country where as gogi mandu as well as kimchi mandu are popular in Korea. There are many Nepalese restaurants in Korea , I did not find Buffalo meat (Buff) momo making me compromise with chicken momo. Regarding mandu , I like Kimichi mandu tastey as it tastes same as Veg Momo( Vegetables instead of Meat ) .