KOREA is one of the country with highly ranked universities . South Korean Scholarships are not only for highly ranked students but also for Low CGPA holders. There are many Fully Funded South Korean Scholarship. Undergraduate, Master, and Ph.D. Scholarships are open in South Korean Universities. All these Scholarships in South Korea are Funded by the Professors or the South Korean Government or many organisaitons . Studying in South Korea will open up a wide range of opportunities for you. Here are some of the reputed scholarship schemes.
1.Korean Government Scholarship Program

The Global Korea Scholarship(GKS) previously named as the Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) is being offered to international students who want to pursue Bachelors, Masters and PhD degrees in Korean Universities. The scholarship provides international students an opportunity of advanced studies at higher educational institutions in Korea, to develop global leaders and strengthen Korea-friendly networks worldwide .Link : Study in Korea | run by Korean Government
2. POSCO Asia Fellowship

POSCO TJ Park Foundation announces ‘POSCO Asia Fellowship’ with the goal of mutual understanding through talent exchange between countries in Asia, the fastest growing area in the world.
It was established with aim of a global human resource network in Asia through the promotion of exchange and cooperation in fellowship/scholarships with countries in Asia, and next-generation human resource development and mutual promotion of understanding.
For this, ‘Scholarship for Asian Students Studying in Korea’,is also promoted an in-bound scholarship that invites talents in Asia to Korea and supports master’s/doctorate degree acquisition, ‘Scholarship for Asian Excellent Universities’ that supports outstanding students currently enrolled in excellent universities in Asian countries, and ‘Asia Opinion Leader Fellowship’ that contributes to mutual understanding and cooperation improvement between Korea and Asian countries by inviting opinion leaders of developing Asian countries. Helpful link :POSCO TJ Park Foundation (postf.org)
3. POSCO Science Fellowship
POSCO Science Fellowship began in 2009, born from thought of Tae-Joon Park, who emphasizing country that lacks natural resources like Korea on becoming an advanced country .’Grants are given to young and talented post-doc, and young professors in 4 areas of basic science (mathematics, physics, chemistry, life science) and 3 areas of applied science (steel, new material, energy material) in universities and laboratories in Korea. For those who qualify foundation suports 70 million ~ 100 million KRW for maximum of 2 years. It became particularly helpful for new post-doc and young scientists that just became assistant professors who are with insufficient outside support and lack in initiating independent research or experiment. So this fellowship became the ‘rookie award in science’ for young scientists. POSCO TJ Park Foundation will continue to encourage and support POSCO Science Fellows, so they can become leaders in science and become Nobel Prize winners in the future.
Helpful Links POSCO TJ Park Foundation (postf.org)
4.Koica Scholarship

This scholarship receives the applications from developing countries, to change the applicants from students to leaders, and to provide the needed skill sets to contribute to the socioeconomic developments of their home countries. In order to fulfill its mission, KOICA offers great scholarship benefits to the scholarship recipients.This scholarship is limited to government employees to study in development related courses in any of the participating universities in Korea for a limited period. Once accepted for the scholarship, all you must do is pack your bag and get ready to benefit from special mentorship programs, leadership seminars, conferences and others organized for KOICA students.
Korea International Cooperation Agency (koica.go.kr)
There are many other scholarships provided by universities and professors such as
GIFT Undergraduate Scholarships
Kyungpook National University Scholarship
KDI School Scholarship
GIST Scholarship
KAIST University Scholarship
UST Scholarships
SNU Scholarship